Stay up to date with the latest Svelte Summit news

Main Partner

  • Convex logo
  • Convex is a backend-as-a-service product that offers a product-focused path for founders designing their infrastructure layer by letting them write their backend like they would write their frontend. Instead of managing compute and architecting bespoke middleware independently from your product, Convex allows you to develop your backend in parallel with thoughtfully designed client libraries.


    Your API, database queries, cron jobs, and every backend piece can be written in pure TypeScript with our libraries, complete with an optimized persistence layer designed by the engineers that built DropBox. With full transactional support, strong consistency, and type safety, you get the productivity increase from a lightweight document store with the reliability of a classic RDBMS.


    Head over here to start building on Convex with our free starter plan.


  • Monogram logo

Masters of Ceremony

  • Kevin Aberg Kultalahti logo Kevin Aberg Kultalahti Co-founder and Technical Community Builder at Svelte Society
  • Brittney Postma logo Brittney Postma Staff Engineer Design Systems at Provi


  • What You Can Do For Your Framework

    Svelte 5 is coming, and we all have a part to play.

  • Intro to LayerChart

    Provide an overview of LayerChart including a walk through of its components and the variety of visualizations you can build with it including cartesian (bar, area, scatter, ...), radial (pie, arc, ...), hierarchical (pack, tree, treemap, ...), graph (sankey, ...), and geo (map, choropleth, ...).
  • Building a SaaS module for SvelteKit

    How I turned a failed startup into a re-usable SaaS module for SvelteKit. It will be a deep dive into adding a Stripe integration to Auth.js using SvelteKit hooks.
  • Spatial Programming with Threlte Studio

    What if you could move your Svelte components in space, as if they were real building blocks? Threlte is a framework for rapidly build 3D web apps in Svelte. But 3D scenes are inherently visual, and arranging them by modifying props is tedious. As much as we love our editors, sometimes they aren't the right tool for the job. Join us for the unveiling of the Threlte Studio: a graphical interface for editing hackable 3D scenes. Tweak position, color, size and many attributes more visually in the browser, and the props in your code are adjusted. Move back to your editor to write the logic as code. No proprietary data formats: just you moving Svelte code in space.
  • Simple and sustainable web development in academic libraries with Svelte

    The libraries at the National University of Singapore have chosen Svelte as their framework to develop small, custom projects to showcase selected parts of their collection in an engaging way without straining their resources. One recent example is the migration of our collection of historical maps to a fully static site powered by Svelte and Astro. ( In this talk we will see how Svelte makes the development of rich interactive websites easy enough for librarians to tackle it, and how it makes maintenance trivial!
  • Kitbook: Easily Build, Document, Inspect, & Test Svelte Components

    Kitbook picks up where Svench left off. It allows you to easily document components in markdown and develop them in isolation using iframes. It will include the relevant context from your main app needed to make components work (styles, i18n, SvelteKit imports) but not anything further that you don't want, like database connections. Adds a Viewer to your main app to select a component (similar to the Svelte Inspector) and instantly create typesafe component variants from the current props state of that component. Then just add a few more variants, then edit the component and watch your changes update simultaneously across all variants, chosen viewport sizes (and languages if desired). Kitbook also provides easy visual summary reports in your PRs of exactly which components changed and how making team communication and review effortless, in addition to catching regression bugs.
  • Fullstack Testing

    Once upon a time, to test your application properly you just needed to monkeypatch fetch. All the communications with the server happened through that and it was a simpler time. But nowadays meta-frameworks shifted the line and you own the full-stack. This also shifted the line for where you should test your application but things are a bit more complex than before. Follow me in this journey and learn how to test your full-stack SvelteKit application!
  • Convex (Sponsored Talk)

    Convex is a backend-as-a-service product that offers a product-focused path for founders designing their infrastructure layer by letting them write their backend like they would write their frontend. Instead of managing compute and architecting bespoke middleware independently from your product, Convex allows you to develop your backend in parallel with thoughtfully designed client libraries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is this?
Svelte Summit is an event dedicated to Svelte and everything that is happening in the community. Don't miss it! It's going to be an absolute blast.
How do I watch it?

Once the day arrives, tune in to the Svelte Society YouTube channel and start watching. We'll also make sure to post a notice at the top of this page if you forget where to go.

I want to sponsor the event! How do I do that?

The easiest way is to fire off an email to and tell us what you have in mind. You can also head on over to our sponsor deck that you can find in the sponsor section above.

When is it?

April 27th, 2024. The event will last for about 5-6 hours (including breaks). It starts at 3PM CET

Is there a schedule?

Not yet. As we get closer to the day of the conference we will release a schedule.

Svelte Summit is a conference made possible by Svelte School AB and Svelte Society.